Linggo, Hunyo 19, 2011


Tears stain my bed sheets
A thing you’ll never know
I want something I once had
A long long time ago
I never should have treated you,
Like the way I did,
But what can you expect from a broken guy,
Who inside is just a kid
I wish I could say I’m sorry,
And I wish you would care,
But now I know you wont listen,
You’ll never ever be there
I wish I could tell you how much I hate,
Myself for doing what I have done
But I cant change the past
And it wont ever be undone
But in the end it cost you pain,
More than i ever wanted to do,
I never wanted to let go,
I never wanted to hurt you.
You saw me for the fake,
That inside I truelly was,
And i began to lie to myself,
Creating a chaotic buzz.
I made myself lie to you,
About what we used to be,
Hoping it would change the way you feel,
About not wanting me.
You did toss my heart aside,
And let it shatter on the floor,
But it was all my fault,
As it had been before.
So I just want to say I'm sorry,
For everything I have done,
All the grief and stress i caused,
You should know this that i love you
You are the only one..

Im sorry...

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